hot day in tokushima-ken

you know its hot when the girls dress like this

but there's something about us i got to do....

heres a pictures from a going away party for one of my co workers denise...

party marty

why do you look so sad.... i don't know, why do you look so happy

fuji grand kitajima tearing up the mics at ingrids


some kind of secret i will share with you...

maybe i left because i trusted someone to be there for me a billion miles away and i thought it would be ok.
i just need to get some stuff off my shoulders and honestly i dont want to talk about it.
writing is probaably the only way i can get this out even if no one reads it.
i keep a lot of things inside and i dont think i should.
what a lot of people dont know is my mother has cancer and id say it was really hard for me to tell someone.
there was a time when i thought she only had at least six months to live.
people would tell me that i looked bummed, but i just couldnt say anything about how i felt. shes much better now.
being away from home, adapting to something foreign and meeting new people, makes you realize what you want, who you are, and who you love, but it doesnt tell you why.
if any of you are up for the challenge, trust me, its going to be an emotional hurdle the size of the pacific ocean.
all i know is i love traveling and i love...., thats what i know for sure.
i turned my back, and i dont think im going to turn around for a while. so i guess the only thing to do is make a full circle.
so now ive been thinking, and i never think, i just keep things inside the back of my mind. ever since ive got here ive been thinking. you want to talk about life, you want to talk about my problems, you want to talk about your problems. i dont know, maybe i can talk about them.
they say bad things happen in threes. im two for three so far.
ill let you know when im three for three.
i just need to need to stop thinking about this stuff .
ive got shit to do, places to go, people to meet.
so remember the memories weve got, even if their bad, and try not to forget me.
if gods willing ill be back.



USJ trash cans - they dont give a fuck about global warming

blow home

bike accident

cycling in tokushima can get a little crazy, especially when you dont have a light, but thats just the way i roll....


these eyes

a rolthroat busilex



its done

japanese spray paint is expensive...

if you want to waste your life go on www.tv-links.co.uk
its my weakness


m-flo (heart) minmi

here's a chat i had with my friend
Brian Cariaga: look it at all the honies fewwww
TurboPancakeG35: lol
TurboPancakeG35: too old for my taste

this is the japanese version of spike jonez's video for biggy smalls.


new lawn

so i move to another country, and my parents decide to get rid of this little hill infront of the house i grew up in... thanks for the pictures diana


happy mother's day

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism


i do nothing on my days off

i need to start finishing some art projects or start some new ones....
i should learn japanese too. those kuns are always lazy