so i put up a bunch of songs that i like, some old and some new... but they're all equally awsome. most of them i can relate to in many ways, most of the lyrics basically take the words right of my mouth and just say how i feel.
if you listen to Disorder by Joy Division, its one of my favorites.
another joy division song, love will tear up apart, is an emo anthem for many, but its so true... love just tears some people apart as gay as it sounds, maybe from yourfamily, your friends, or even the one you love... people just take different roads, rip ian
Evil by Interpol is also a good one, its one of those songs that makes me think about a long journey in life and all the shitty things you have to go through even if you're a nice person, but thats life... its actually about rosemarys baby, she just wanted a kid, and she got fucked over.
reverie sound revue is a cool little canadian band, an anniversary away is one of those rainy day songs
fuck was i by jenny owen youngs is pretty much a song that i can relate to... i guess... well, diana probably wouldnt like this song, but its a nice jam to breakdance to.
daft punk's something about us is straight up how i feel about diana... she knows it, i can't listen to this song and not think about her... i remember just listening to the song and she would just pop in my head and i would start thinking about her, i use to just drive in traffic, and listen to this song... it was like an inspirational moment and made my day better, i still listen to this song cycling to work.. it still has the same effect as it did a year ago...
all the other songs on my list are party songs, shit thatll make you dance and shake what your momma gave you. and i guess all the other ones you can guess for yourself, because you'll probably guess correctly...