b surf the c

my free surf board! that's how they do it in tokushima, hook ups galore!

saturday night...

yaki niku 焼肉 with Hironori and Auzzie Neil!!!
Hironori paid for it all, thats how they do it in Tokushima... yaki niku is oishii!! hirinori is afraid of the black devil!

our waitress looks like a kid!

karaoke at corry's, satoshi - the gangster pimp .....

karaoke at vocal queen with tomo and the japanese homies!

new art work... B L A

the crime scene!

so a couple of weeks ago, my room mate, travis, and i came home to this... like around 5 in the morning.... the blood trail led to our downstair's neighbor, we called the japanese police, and it took like half an hour to have someone who can actually understand us... then like 5 cops showed up to investigate.... so gay


hamburg, japanese stylee

tako yaki たこやき - octopus balls ... using the special cooker

with sauce, mayo, seaweed, and that dried fish ish that moves!!

enjoy my balls!


i bought a cheap ass guitar for the about $40....